magneticNorth is UK based interactive design company. They write about themselves: 'We create digital experiences of all kinds- experiences that are useful, playful, and have story to tell- stuff that people want to spend time with' and I have to admit that it is 100% truth! First what delighted me is the way you move on mN site: draw circle to discover project, horizontal line to get news, vertical line for search and slant line to delete. Everything working very efficiently. Visit necessarily!
The second issue are projects themselves. All really interesting and various. 'BBC Memoryshare' is an good example. Arranged as a 3D spiral as the main way to explore memories from 1900(!) till nowadays. You can navigate by picking up points on spiral, move arrows on side bar and timeline or search at the bottom by keywords: year, person, event. At last you can add and share your own personal and unique memory!
The other project that pay my attention is Doodlebuzz created by magnetic North's creative director Brendan Dawes. Doodlebuzz is alternative way to read the news. An experimental interface allows you to create typographic maps of current news stories. Type the key word, go and doodle to see results. Use the arrow key to navigate. Read and have fun!